natural gemstone 7 chakra beaded bracelets with amplifying quartz or protective lava rock stone, also used as an essential oil diffuser

7chakras Bracelet

Choose from the protective, essential oil diffuser Lava Rock, or amplifying Quartz to finish your 7chakras bracelet. Select the newest essential oil diffuser Rudraksha Seed and be adorned just like the gods!

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.” -Rumi

elevate your energy

yin ☯ yang bracelets

“The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say.” -g.m.

What does the Moon reveal within you? -yin

What does the Sun amplify in you? -yang

The only way out ~ is through; 

Choose from a selection of different stones to amplify your light and heal with your shawdow!

embrace healing here
natural gemstone beaded balance bracelet featuring an essential oil diffuser rudraksha seed

BALANCE bracelet

Our BALANCE gemstone bracelets are created as a unique one-of-a-kind non-pattern. Each bracelet will be completed with a Rudraksha Seed or Lava Rock essential oil diffuser beads or a Job’s Tear seed a symbol of faith. Select your unity bead in the drop-downs. 

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” -Rumi

find balance here